
Dollhouse No.2

This is the second house I made for my niece. I love how it turned out. Made with cardboard and paper mache. I only used one layer of cardboard, but used more in some places. I actually made two of these houses at the same time, one for my niece and the other for her cousin. Both houses are very similar, but I didn't take pics of it, kicking myself now, it was before I got into YouTube and blogging, now I can't believe I didn't do this sooner.

Above is the house before, I made some renovations, my niece wanted a third bedroom for the Polly teenager. So again I couldn't say no, for me its also a challenge. Dag nammit I wish I took more pictures of the process.

I also added closets in this room and the master bedroom.

The youger kids room.

The Master Bedroom

The Bathroom. I know I know the potted plant is really big.

The Kitchen

The Livingroom

The stairs are new too. Check out the before picture above, they were really flimsy. I love how they turned out. I know it needs a railing, but there's no room for it. This house is officially done. It's at my nieces house anyways. I will post more pics later.



  1. I think this is very well done, I make doll rooms out of recycled materials I'll send you some pictures once I'm done with all of them I'm only thirteen so the level may be low in aproach

    1. I'm a lot older than 13 and I think my houses can be better and I feel my level is not up there, when I was your age I made one for my little sister, it was basically a box with cut out windows... and thats it, I think I coloured it with crayon... wish I had a picture... I feel after every house I get better at it, I really like house no.4 and can't wait to finish it, but already I'm thinking about making another because I learned alot doing this one, and feel the next one will be perfect. I can't wait to see your rooms, I'm sure they are awesome!

  2. this is veryy creative :) <3

  3. Creative! Creative is not a strong enough word for this house!!!!!! I LOVE this house! Sophie's little Livs are getting a new house now! LOL i TOTALLY am about to make a run for the recycling bin and making a normal dollhouse into a place of greatness. Hahaha, Lola, you need to be on television or something because THIS IS AWSOME. Go to My Froggy Stuff and ask her to visit your blog. She'll be like, Oh my goodness gracious look at these gorgeous dollhouses! I'm the Hunger Games fan who still can't make Katniss Everdeen outfit. :( But that doesn't mean i am going to stop trying!!!!! Oh, and the arena is going to be a tough one. I'll get there soon enough though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you sooooo much, you are soooo sweet!!! We are also big fans of the Hunger Games, and we can't wait to see your outfit, don't give up, doesn't sound like you will, we can't wait to see the arena too, are you going to do online videos, I hope so. :)

  4. Wow! This is so nice! I really like it. Totally creative and innovative.
