
Doll Restaurants



Skull Town Bistro

Lola's Bistro (now closed)

My niece and I have a Monster High doll web show on our  YouTube channel and for some reason the scenes and pictures were not turning out that great, than I realized it was the 'lighting' the mirror Christmas ornaments, so I removed them, painted some pine cones white. So I think it will make a different taking pictures and filming videos.

We would love to feature your art on our walls...please send us scans of your painting or drawings, you can send us self portraits, abstract, scenery, nothing doll related. Thank you.


Finally finished the restaurant and I am so glad it turned out how I wanted it to...



  1. Its looks wonderful!You gave me an new idea!

    1. cool, send me pics of your restaurant when you're done...

  2. it looks fantastic! :)

  3. This is absolutely fantabulous !! The decorations are perfect ! And the little details are stunning ! :D BRAVOOOOO!!

    1. Thank you Amana, only one thing is for the walls... we are trying to encourage people to send us their art for the walls, we have gotten quite a few and are still waiting for more, I would love it if you sent us something, because you are soooo talented. Nothing monster high-ish, maybe scenery, abstract, portrait etc...but nothing monster high... thank you :)

  4. Oh super cool. I found this website looking for Liv dollhouse tutorials. Reminds me that lots of other people are talented and there are more websites than My Froggy Stuff!

    1. thank you :) you're right there are sooo many talented people on the internet...and you're right again myfroggystuff is not the only one, although she is super talented and a genius. our crafts are totally different, mine take longer to produce and her's are quicker, she probably does this full time and has the time to think of all the crafts she does, i have so many ideas in my head just wish i had the time to produce the items... :)

  5. Hi Ginger Lola, I've got a craft idea for you. So, I was looking at these pictures, and it occurred to me that you might be able to do a kitchen for your restaurant. I am working on a kitchen right now, its pretty hard but there are a lot of tutorials on YouTube for the kitchen. I did this great tutorial for the coffee dispenser and travel cup, but there is just no tutorial for the coffee machine. I'm improvising on that. To get to the point, kitchens are fun and its even more fun to slightly or really alter a tutorial to make what you want. And if you want to improvise, that's really great too! Jut don't give up no matter what kind of project you're doing :o) -Sophie

    1. hey Sophie, thank you thats a great idea, but we don't really need a restaurant, I just put the doorway there so it looks like there's a kitchen, we really don't need it for the show...

    2. The restaurant isn't mandatory, not at all, but just for fun it's nice to get creative and pile on that paper mâché. And I personally have not thought of a single way to make a show with a kitchen, buts its still fun. I'm working on the hunger games, yet I take a break every now and then and just experiment. There's so much to do! You can make stoves and fake a house (or school) fire, you can have the school go coffee crazy, or you can do simply nothing more than playing with it for pleasure. Rooms (at least in my eyes) should be fun crafts where you learn and laugh at your mistakes. Doll crafts are hard one minute and easy the next, so just have fun! The kitchen I made was my first, and I admit, it took a while. But, as everybody says, practice makes perfect :) -Sophie

    3. thank you Sophie, I'm thinking of doing a whole new restaurant makeover ..because of the show, I'm not liking how the restaurant appears in it...just working on new episodes of Skull Academy and the restaurant is in most of the scenes, and i'm not likin it....urgh...another item for my to do list...
